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A fuel(generally an organic compound), and Oxygen

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Q: What are the carbon reactants for combustion reaction?
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In a combustion reaction carbon is used to make reactants burn?

No, in a combustion reaction carbon is not used to make reactants burn.

When burning fuel what are the reactants?

The burning of fossil fuels are a combustion reaction. The reaction for the combustion has the reactants of propane (C3H8) and oxygen (O2). The combustion reactions products are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

When fossil fuels burn what are the reactants?

The burning of fossil fuels are a combustion reaction. The reaction for the combustion has the reactants of propane (C3H8) and oxygen (O2). The combustion reactions products are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

Is always a reactants in a combustion reaction?


What does a combustion reaction does?

A combustion reaction involves the three reactants from the fire triangle, heat, oxygen, and fuel.

What reactants is necessary for a combustion reaction?

Oxygen apex

In a combustion reaction what is one of the reactants?

oxygen gas, O2

What is a property of a combustion reaction?

A combustion reaction is an oxidation reaction - combustion need oxygen; the products are water and carbon dioxide.

Which of the following reactants is necessary for a combustion reaction out of heat A oxygen B carbon C dioxide D water?


What are the reactants in this chemical equation 6co2 6h2o C6H12O6 6O2?

Photosynthesis:6CO2 (carbon dioxide) + 6H2O (water) --> C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 (oxygen)or2n CO2 (carbon dioxide) + 2n H2O (water) --> 2 (CH2O)n + n O2 (oxygen) + 2n (electron donor)

How many atoms of carbon are present in the reactants?

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Which type of reaction takes place in the presence of oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water?

A chemical reaction where one of the reactants is O2 and one of the products is water is called a combustion reaction. Combustion reactions generally take the form: __CxHx + __O2 --> __H2O + __CO2 + energy