

What are the characteristics of ferns as vascular plants?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the characteristics of ferns as vascular plants?
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What are some characteristics of pteridophytes?

PteridophytesPteridophytes are vascular plants, with no flowers and no seeds.(eg. Ferns)

What are ferns?

Ferns are seedless vascular plants.

Do ferns have a thallus and if so are they still vascular plants?

Yes ferns do have a thallus, and yes they are vascular plants.

What are main characteristics of seedless vascular plants?

Ferns, club mosses, and horsetails share two characteristics. They have true vascular tissue and they do not produce seeds. Instead of seeds, these plants reproduce by releasing spores.

How are ferns like nonvascular and vascular plants?

Ferns are vascular plants. Vascular plants are non-seeded plants meaning you do not have to plant a seed for them to grow. Ferns grow by air borne spores. Ferns also can be kept in a drier climate due to them being vascular. There aren't similarities between vasucular and non vascular plants.

Do ferns have a skeleton?

No, ferns are plants. They do however have a vascular system.

Why are ferns not classified as moss?

Because ferns are vascular plants

Can ferns be classified as seedless nonvascular?

No, Ferns are Vascular Plants.

In what group are ferns?

The fungi Ferns belong to Pteridophyta group of vascular plants.

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Types of non vascular plants?

Some types of vascular plants are ferns, conifers, clubmmosses and gyrosperms.

What group are ferns?

The fungi Ferns belong to Pteridophyta group of vascular plants.