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Catabolism refers to the breakdown of biological materials. For example, glycolysis breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate.

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Q: What are the concepts of catabolism?
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Where does catabolism takes place?

Catabolism is the process of breaking down molecules into smaller parts to release energy. Catabolism takes place in the mitochondria of the cell.

How can one prevent catabolism?

Catabolism can be prevented through having a proper diet, consistent exercise and resting. By combining these three methods, catabolism will likely not occur.

Catabolism in a sentence?

Glucose catabolism provides energy for needed metabolic cellular processes.

Are snakes anabolism or catabolism?

Both Anabolism and catabolism are both part of an organisms metabolism. One is breaking down biomolecules, catabolism, and one is synthesizing biomolecules, anabolism.

What is catobolism?

what is catabolism

How do you use the word catabolism in a sentence?

That pathway is discussed along with the topic of amino acid catabolism.

Which molecule is common to catabolism of fat and glucose?

Catabolism is the breakdown of molecules into smaller units. The molecule that is common to the catabolism of fat and glucose is known as acetyl CoA.

Do enzymes play a part in both anabolism and catabolism?

yes they do play a part in both anabolism and catabolism

Is catabolism bad?


What are the features that generally distinguish pathways of catabolism from pathways of anabolism?

What are the features that generally distinguish pathways of catabolism from pathways of anabolism

End product of the aerobic catabolism of glucose?

The end product of the aerobic catabolism of glucose is pyruvic acid.