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warm season vs. cool season

sun vs. shade


maintenance required vs maintenance practices

soil prep

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Q: What are the considerations for mixing or blending grass seed types?
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What is homoginisation?

Homoginisation is the blending or mixing of a substance until it is uniform in mix. For example, mixing or blending 2 types of fruit together until you get an equal mix of them both.

Mixing and blending of textile fibres?

mixing is where a fabric is made up of two or more different types of yarn so for example, you weave cotton and nylon together but each strand of fibre is only either cotton or nylon. blending is where the actual fibre you are weaving is a blend of two yarns like cotton and nylon (for example). blending is when two or more yarns are combined to produce one yarn.

How many types of grass is there?

about 500 types of grass.

What Pokemon types doesn't beat grass?

Types that will inflict minimal damage on Grass are: Water, Electric, Grass, and Ground.

What types of grass do elephants eat?

elephant grass

What Pokemon type is supereffective on water?

To a pure water type pokemon, electric type attacks and grass type attacks are super effective.

Where is tall grass in Pokemon creed?

because it is in the grass types

What are types of hay?

Grass Grass-legume mix Legume

Why is mixing is a big source of pollution?

becouse mixing proude diiffrent types ofgases which cause airpollution

What is super effective to water types?

grass types are

What are three types of grassland in US?

There are three types of North American grasslands. They are tall grass prairies, mixed grass prairies, and short grass prairies.

What is the weakness of grass type Pokemon?

Grass type are weak against Ground Rock and water types. Grass type are Super Effective against Ice Bug Grass and Steel types.