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Islam religion is well defined and is based on straight forward principles. The terms moderate Islam and fundamental Islam are newly invented terms that are misleading and introduced by the Westerners for their purposes and Agendas. refer to the related question below for more information on Islam basic principles.The differences may be among Muslims who understands correctly Islam principles and those Muslims who may called extremist and interpret wrongly some Islam principles.

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The question makes the incorrect assertion that Islamic Traditionalism and Islamism are the same thing; this is not the case. All three terms in the question: Islamic Fundamentalism, Islamic Traditionalism, and Islamism are three very different things.

Islamic Traditionalism or Traditional Islam is the most common form of the religion of Islam, especially in the Islamic World. Traditional Islam is often what is being referred to in the Western Media as "Conservative Muslims", as in the oft-asked question, "Why do Conservative Muslims not denounce the terrorists?" Traditional Islam uses the Qur'an and the Hadiths as a general guidance in life as well as a gentle disposition and a good sprinkling of common sense. Traditional Islam is often contrasted with Liberal Islam, which seeks to moderate the Qur'an and Hadiths with modern values. In Traditional Islam, there is a reluctance to engage with modern culture and modern values because Islam takes precedence.

Islamic Fundamentalism (Usuliya) is a religious position about how a person should live their life. It concerns personal implementation of the Shari'a law. Islamic Fundamentalism is a reactionary religious belief that came out of the colonial period as a rejection of modern values and modern culture. Islamic Fundamentalists (Usuliyin) see their faith as being under attack by modern society and therefore see themselves as in a state of quasi-war to protect themselves and their beliefs. Islamic Fundamentalism is not necessarily violent, but most Fundamentalists cannot separate their personal desire to live a puritanical life from their demand that others join them and set up laws requiring a country or the world to adhere to their views.

Islamism is a political ideology whose goal is to bring the religious tenets of Islam into the daily functioning of a government and its laws. Islamism is a modern movement whose roots began contemporaneously with the rise of Salafism and Usuliya in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Egypt. Islamism is not by nature violent or expansive. Many Islamist movements have concrete nationalistic goals such as the Islamists in power in Turkey. However, Global Islamist movements are almost always violent since they call for the overthrow of any non-Islamist government.

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Q: What are the differences between moderate Islam and fundamental Islam?
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