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Wild goats are wild and domestic goats listens to ppl

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Q: What are the differences between wild goats and domestic goats?
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Is goats real?

Very definitely. The goat has been domesticated for thousands of years. There are living goat breeds produced for meat, wool and milk, as well as wild goats. These wild goats are similar to the ancestors of domestic goats. They are very tough, will eat anything and can survive with very little food and water.

Where do domestic goats live?

Well, if they were previously domesticated probably in fields or near wooded areas. REAL wild goats can be found in their original home- mountains.

Where are goats home?

Goat is a domestic animal , so their homes would be given by the people who are protecting them. Otherwise their homes will be usual village. Wild goats are protected in the forests.

What is Plural for wild goats?

Wild goats is the plural of wild goat. You could have one wild goat (singular) or many wild goats (plural).

What is innumerable wild goats?

"Innumerable wild goats" is a simple expression used to express seeing goats. It means "a large, undefined number of wild goats."

What is an ibex cross goat?

it is a type of goat Ibex are wild goats characterized by long, slightly curving horns. There are several varieties. An ibex cross is a cross between an ibex and a domestic goat such as a Spanish goat.

What type of animals does Bulgaria have?

Domestic: Cow, horse, pigs, goats, donkeys, sheeps Wild: Bore, Deer, Beer, Fox, Wolf

What is the difference between domestic and wild horses?

"Wild horses run free. Domesticated horses are tamer. Those are the only differences." those aren't the only differences. Domesticated horses eat very differently to wild horses, for example wild horses wouldn't eat chaff and pony nuts, wild horses would eat grass and berries. they also live very differently to one another... there are a few differences really

What kind of animals does Romania have?

Wild animals: bear, wolf, deer, wild boar, lynx, rabbits, many birds, reptiles, fish, insects Domestic animals: cattle, horses, sheep, goats, donkeys, buffaloes, dogs, cats, birds

Why are horses born wild?

Not all horses are born wild. Domestic horses when born are not really wild, they are just young and need education. There is a big difference between a wild horse and a domestic, green horse.

Are boer goats wild?

No, They are some of the tamest meat goats.

How are wild goats different from barnyard goats?

A barnyard goat is domesticated and well trained, while wild goats have learned to survive on their own and they are more aggressive.