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All I know is.... theres the muscular system, the circulatory system, the digestive system,the nervous system and the skeletal system...

Improved answer adds the respratory system, and the reproductive system.

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Q: What are the different system in the body of the human?
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What makes the digestive systems different from other body systems?

The digestive system is different from the other human body systems because the digestive system holds food and no other human body system does also the digestive system has organs that none other human body systems have.

Where are the respiratory and circulatory system?

In different parts of the human body

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The human anatomy makes it different from other body systems.

What are the different body system?

There are 8 systems in the human body. (These are in no particular order.)CirculatoryDigestiveEndocrineNervousExcretoryMuscularImmuneReproductiveHope this helps

What system in the human body protctes your body organs?

if you meanWhat system in the human body protects your body organs?then your answer is the skeletal system.

What enable human body to perform different functions?

The central nervous system helps to perform the various voluntary and involantary function in human body.

Can you name facts about the endocrine system?

the human body contains thirty different hormones the human body contains thirty different hormones Hypothalamus makes you hungry and thirsty, also helps in body temperature

How are cells different from a human body?

how are cells and human body different

What is produced by a system?

It depends on the system. Most anatomists agree that there are ten systems in the human body, and each one produces a different product, or has a different function.

What are the thin fibers of the human nervous system that sends messages between different parts of the body?

i think the brain sends messages between different parts of the body.

What are names of human body systems?

Human body systems include: the nervous system, the digestive system, the circulatory system, the immune system, the integumentary system.