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arithmatic operator +,-,*,/,%

assigment oprator ==

logical operator &,|,^,&&,,!

bitwise opertor &,|,^

left shift <<

right shift >>

left shift zero fill <<

assignment operator +=,-=,*=,/=

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14y ago
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12y ago

An operator is a symbol used in java to perform various operations. There are many different types of operators. They are:

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Relational Operators
  3. Assignment Operators and
  4. Logical Operators
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10y ago

You can look up a list of Java operators online, to get a complete listing. But the different types of operators include: mathematical operators (for calculations), logical operators such as "and" and "or", assignment, bit-shift operators, the "ternary operator" (for a shorthand "if"), and a few others.

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13y ago

Arithmetic operator

Logical operator

Conditional operator

Special operator

Relational operator

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12y ago

1.artimetical operator

2.logical operator

3.relational operator

4.conditional operator

5.increment & decrement operator

6.comma operator

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9y ago

The operation are specific tasks that are represented by Operators .And the objects of the operations are referred to as Operands.

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