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The four major forms of nerve damage are polyneuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, mononeuropathy, and mononeuritis multiplex. The most common form is peripheral polyneuropathy, which mainly affects the feet and legs. Often the form of neuropathy is further broken down as to cause (see below), or other type, such as small fiber peripheral neuropathy, which is idiopathic. There are other less common forms of neuropathy, for example Enteric Neuropathy.1

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The types of nerve are. Sensory, Motor, and the galangia

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What is the difference between peripheral neuropathy and polyneuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy three types-Focal,Multifocal (mononeuropathy multiplex)and generalized (Polyneuropathy)

Which of the bodily systems does neuropathy effect?

Neuropathy is damage to a single nerve or nerve group. It may involve any part of the body. One of the more commonly known types of neuropathy is Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Are polyneuropathy and peripheral neuropathy the same disease?

No. These are two distinctly different conditions.

What are four types of diabetic neuropathy?

1. Peripheral 2. Focal 3. Autonomic 4. Proximal

Can WebMD tell me about diabetic neuropathy symptoms?

Yes WebMD can tell you about diabetic neuropathy symptoms. WebMD provides all types of information about medical diseases. The best way to find out about a disease is to go to the doctor.

How serious is heredity neuropathy?

Heredity neuropathy, also known as hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP), can vary in severity. Some individuals may have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, while others may experience more severe neuropathy. The severity can also depend on other factors such as environmental influences and lifestyle. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and management of heredity neuropathy.

Is Neuropathy preventable?

It depends on what is causing your neuropathy. There are a number of conditions and toxins that can cause neuropathy. For more information use the following link:

What medical specialist would a person see for neuropathy?

Someone with neuropathy would likely consult with a neurologist, and possibly a pain medicine specialist.

What is another name for peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is also known as somatic neuropathy or distal sensory polyneuropathy.

Why do a sensorimotor neuropathy profile?

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What is optic neuropathy?

disease of the optic nerve (optic neuropathy)

Does vasculitic neuropathy cause rash?

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