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It was initially a very expensive process, but now, due to the recent flash floods. It is sometimes due to clogged drains. If one day, the drains are totally clogged. Limited water would be able to pass through the drains.

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Where is NEWater?

NEWater - is the brand name of Singapore's reclaimed water.

How do you get newater?

you get from the sea

Which country invented NEWater?

I think NEWater is supposedly ''invented'' in Singapore (but i don't really know).

What is at use of NeWater?


How is it possible for newater to generate?

It is Possible?

Where does newater comes from?

NEWater comes from wastewater, actually. But it's purified using ultraviolet technologies and reverse osmosis, so don't worry.

What is NEWater?

its a kind of disinfected water ... lol....

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What are the uses of NEWater in Singapore?

It is mainly used for drinking. NEWater can also be used for many other purposes such as providing factories with water for washing purposes and so on.

Why did Singapore invented newater?

to have a independent source ! Great Idea!

Compare the chemicals or minerals in our tap water and NEWater ..?

fluoride chlorine