

What are the effects of gravity on objects?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the effects of gravity on objects?
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Does gravity affect an objects with greater mass weight or both?

Gravity effects heavier objects. In other words the heavier the object is, the more gravity effects the object which makes it heavy.

How gravity does effects objects?

Gravity pulls objects towards Earth. Or, in more general terms, towards any mass.

What causes objects to sink?

An object will sink if gravity effects it more then it's boyancy does.

What are the 2 examples caused by Gravity?

We are immersed in gravity fields. So there are uncountable examples of gravitational effects that can be answered here. But in general attraction and acceleration are the two major effects caused by gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the source of that gravity force. And typically if the objects can move freely they'll accelerate as they move towards the source.

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The mass of a black hole can be measure by the effects of its gravity on surrounding objects.

Why don't you notice smaller objects move towards each other due to gravity?

Gravity is so weak that it takes special equipment and large masses to register noticeable effects. While all objects with mass have gravity, it takes a very large mass for that gravity to be noticeable.

What is the effect of gravity - on the motion of falling objects - that are not inhibited by air resistance?

All objects, under these conditions, will accelerate at the same rate as they fall. (Note: Just the fact that you can call it a "falling" object is one of the effects of gravity.)

Do some objects have no gravity?

All objects with any mass have gravity. So basically no, there are no objects whtat would have no gravity.

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Touch : results mixture of stimuli heat , pain , pressure Light: You can see visible light is reflected objects around you Gravity:?

How does gravity affect objects falling to the ground?

gravity is what makes objects fall

Can gravity pull two objects together?

Yes, gravity will pull any two objects together in the absence of other forces. We don't notice this happening in everyday life because other forces such as friction are much bigger and mask the effects.

Does the moon's gravity affect the earth's gravity?

The effects would only combine for an object outside the Earth-Moon system (such as an asteroid). Otherwise, objects near the Earth and Moon will experience gravitational effects from both. The Earth's gravity holds the Moon in its orbit, and the Moon's gravity affects the Earth, notably causing the ocean tides.