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Color, shape, odor, and taste. For example, honeybees are attracted to bright colors, open-petal-shaped flowers, flowers which have certain smells, and the sweet nectar produced by many flowers. They can even be "trained" to pollinate flowers which humans might not find particularly attractive such as onion (allium spp.) flowers.

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Q: What are the features of a flower that would attract pollinators?
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Is the flower lily poisonous to butterflies?

No, else they would not be pollinators. Lilies are normaly poisionous to humans

If a flower is not pollinated will it die?

Flowers can flower if there are no bees since bees are not the only pollinators. Birds such as hummingbirds, insects and wind can help pollinate flowers in the absence of bees, one of the world's most efficient pollinators.

1.How does the color of petals help pollination?

The color of petals is a key factor in helping pollination. Different colors attract different pollinators, like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. For instance, light colors like white, yellow and blue are attractive to bees, while butterflies are drawn to more saturated colors like purple and pink. By having different colors in a garden, you can attract a variety of pollinators. Pollinators are essential for the reproduction of flowers, as they transfer pollen from one flower to another. Without pollinators, the majority of plants would cease to exist. So the color of petals plays an important role in helping pollinate plants and ensure the continuation of life.

Why would a flower need to attract an insect?

to do the process of pollination

Flowers that are pollinated by the wind have smaller petals and sepals that are pollinated by insects or animals why are small petals and sepals an advantage to these flowers?

Answer 1: If a bloom has large petals and sepals, it's much harder to pollinate the flower. They would just get in the way. Answer 2: Petals and sepals are used to attract pollinators and give them a place to land. Wind pollinated plants don't need to attract pollinators or provide landing space for them. Thus, there is no use for large sepals and petals. .

What is the reason that the petals are so brightly colored?

Overall brightly colored flower petals assist in attracting insects, birds and small mammals to the flower for pollination. Coloured petals and nectar are normally used in conjunction - the petals as the attractant and the nectar as the "reward". Some petals which are not brightly coloured to humans, but reflect light in the Ultraviolet spectrum which some insects and birds can see.

What is the main function of bees from an agricultural perspective?

An agricultural perspective? I would have to say their main purpose is to spread pollen from flower to flower, however if you are talking about honeybees which are also pollinators, I would say their main purpose is to make honey.

Which plants has largest flower?

That would most likely be the death flower which is named due to the fact that it smells like a corpse to attract flies.

Why would you find a toad in a flower garden?

Flowers attract insects, and toads eat insects.

How does flower help a plant?

The flower is the reproductive organ of the plant. Without flowers, plants would not be able to reproduce sexually. The colour and smell of the flower attract insect and animals to cross pollinate the plant

How do flowers help plants reproduce?

the flower of a plant will attract an animal such as a bee that will take the pollen from the plant and transmit it to another plant. this shows that flowers help plant reproduce as they will attract an animal that will carry reproductive material to another plant

What would a world without pollinators be like?

With out pollinators is what makes r world go round. We need them