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Individuals with the condition first experience severe pain across the shoulder and upper arm. Within a few hours or days, weakness, wasting (atrophy), and paralysis may affect the muscles of the shoulder.

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Q: What are the first warning signs of Parsonage Turner syndrome?
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Turner Syndrome occurs when a female has only one X chromosome. One of the first signs of Turner is short stature which becomes apparent at about age 5. Most Turner Syndrome women do not go through puberty unless given hormone therapy. They can have obvious skeletal deformities, a lower than normal hairline on the back of their necks, swelling of the hands and feet and additional folds on their necks.

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In the absence of serious problems such as cardiovascular and renal defects or hypertension, or if the problems are successfully treated, the life span of an individual with Turner syndrome is expected to be normal (Buyse, 1990). The annual report for the birth defects registry in Hawaii reported the first-year mortality rate for Turner syndrome to be 5.3% (Merz and Forrester, 2000). One investigation reported that the infant mortality rate associated with all sex chromosome abnormalities increased during 1985-1997 Source: Texas Department of State Health Services

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What was Toby turner's first Minecraft video?

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