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non functional enzyme

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Q: Functional and non functional plasma enzymes?
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Functional and non functional requirements of web search engine?

There are many functional and non functional requirements of a web search engine. The non functional requirements would be the design you see, while the functional requirement would be the search bar.

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Functional art is art that serves a purpose. A potter who creates tea sets is making functional art. Non-functional art refers to paintings and such pieces of art that are created to view and contemplate.

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-->non trivial functional dependency is totally opposite to the trivial functional dependency. --> non trivial dependency means X-->Y that is if Y is not proper subset of X table or relation with X then it said to be non trivial functional dependency.

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Non-functional ceramics are pottery that is made out of clay and don't have a purpose, example a statue. Being the opposite of functional which could be a drinking cup.

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Be able to undo transaction before confirmation

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The functional requirements of a payroll system describe what the payroll system is the salary computed for each employee automatically. The non functional requirement of the payroll system would be the response time for calculations.

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There are many non functional requirements of an Android application. Some being performance, quality, portability, maintainability, availability, and many, many more. One functional requirement of an Android application is the Android platform.

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Non-functional requirements of a banking system are basically unnecessary requirements that are not reliant upon the functional requirements of the system. They typically include system performance, availability and security.

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Addition in recombinant DNA means to remove non coding or non functional DNA and inserting the functional or coding seuence.

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