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  1. Sieve tube elements contain little cytoplasm and no nucleus
  2. Has cross walls with pores to allow flow of sap
  3. Companion cells on the side that have mitochondria to produce ATP for active processes
  4. Companion cell and sieve tube element are linked through many plasmodesmata
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7y ago
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14y ago

The phloem is mainly concerned with the transport of soluble organic material made during photosynthesis. This is called translocation.

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11y ago

Phloem cells do not have a nucleus, and they have very few vacuoles. They act much like a sieve.

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12y ago

it has a very thin cytoplasm and little organelles so there is lots of room for substances within it. also there are lots of them stacked together to form a tube.

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14y ago

Phloem is what a plant uses to carry food down so it evolved to do less work by letting gravity do it's job.

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Q: How is the phloem tissue adapted to its function?
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What does phloem tissue do?

Phloem tissue is the tissue in plant stems that carry materials down from the top of the plant to the bottom. Xylem tissue is the tissue in plant stems that carry materials up from the bottom of the plant to the top. An easy way to remember this is: phloem=LOWem. Xylem=HIGHlem.