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A seam roll is the name given to a roll of fabric that is used with an iron to press a seam flat.

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10y ago

In the flooring trade, it is a heavy iron or lead roller with a handle and is used to assure both edges are extra well set in the mastic.

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The sausage rolls being placed seam side down will make them look nicer. By the seam being placed down before baking, the roll itself will maintain its desired shape through the baking process. If the seam were placed facing upward, then the roll will puff up with the form being deformed.

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What are the different types of seam finishes?

The three types of seam are Plain seam, French seam and Ancient or Old German flat seam.

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Do you apply glue down and roll out vinyl then apply seam sealer to melt the edges together.

What is an open seam?

An open seam is a general purpose seam. An open seam is two pieces of fabric sewn together, and then the seam allowances are pressed open, creating a flat and clean seam line on the right side of the fabric.

What is a closed seam?

An enclosed seam, or a French seam, is a seam that is sewn with the wrong sides of the fabric together. A second seam is usually sewn with the right sides together so that the first seam is enclosed.

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You need to explain what seam you mean? A seam of coal? A seam in a jacket?

What is in the seam of shirts?

A seam is where two or more bits of cloth are overlapped. A seam consists of cloth.

What are the different types of seam?

There are 11 types of seams which include: abutted, enclosed, exposed, false french, flat-felled, french, fused, glued, hairline, lapped seam with raw edges, and finally overedged seam.

How do you roll up a stromboli?

A stromboli is a filled turnover. The dough is filled with cheeses , vegetables , and/or meats and the dough is tri-folded into the middle the stromboli is then flipped seam down and baked.

What is flat sell seam?

flat seam is used for decorative purpose. Seam edges do not overlap but flatted together. Seam is constructed with a minimum of 3 fabrics.