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Plasma membrane gives structure to the cell, serve as boundary. It allows the selective passage of molecules across the cell (semi permeable). Starts the signalling event from the receptors it posses on the membrane surface when there is a stimuli bind to it.

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Q: What are the functions of the plasma membrane in Eukaryotes?
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What membrane present in eukaryotes?

Plasma Membrane

What are eukaryotes surrounded by?

It has plasma membrane.

What do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have in commmon?

DNA, proteins, plasma membrane

What evidence supports the hypothesis that the nuclear envelope of eukaryotes arose from infolding of the plasma membrane?

The nuclear membrane and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of modern eukaryotes are continuous.

Many functions of the plasma membrane are carried out by?

Most of the active functions of plasma membranes are carried out by proteins.

Do plant cell's animal cell's and bacterial cell's all have a plasma membrane?

Yes, both eukaryotes and bacteria have a cell (also called plasma) membrane.

What are the molecules in a plasma membrane that provide basic membrane structure cell identity and membrane fluidity?

Plasma Memberances envelop all plant and animal cells and all single-celled eukaryotes and prokaryotes, seperating them from more.

Functions of plasma memberane?

Plasma membrane permits the entry and exit of some materials in the cells. Therefore, the plasma membrane is called a selective permeable membrane. Functions of plasma membrane : 1) Diffusion 2) Osmosis 3) Mediated transport

There are distinct differences and similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes what are the similarities?

They both have a plasma membrane and protoplasm. They both have DNA.

What determines the specific functions of the plasma membrane?

The relative amounts of proteins and lipids

Some of the functions of the eukaryotic organelles are performed in bacteria by the?

Plasma Membrane

What is the function of the cell membrane and the plasma membrane?

Cell membrane is also known as plasma membrane. Controls exchange of materials such as nutrients and waste between cells and their environment. Has other important functions for example to enable cells to receive hormones.