

What are the gosples?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four Gospels.

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Q: What are the gosples?
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Who were the writers of the four Gosples?

mathew, mark, luke and john.

What are the Gosples called in the bible?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

How many gosples are there in the New Testament?

Matthew, Mark, Luck and Jhone

Are there any quotes from the gosples about homosexuality?

It is mentioned in the book of Romans verse 18 onwards.

What are the gospels called sepeteraly?

The gosples are individually titled Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

What are the first three gosples called?

The first three gospels are: The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Luke

What is unique about the Lindisfarne Gospels?

The Lindisfarne Gosples are the pride of Briton, they reflect the very lavish and time consuming attention to detail in their creation. You can read more about them by visiting the official British Library, then looking in the online gallery under sacred texts

Who wrote the four gosples?

The four gospels in the New Testament of the Bible were written by different authors. The Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew, a disciple of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark was written by Mark, who was a companion of Peter. The Gospel of Luke was written by Luke, a companion of the apostle Paul. The Gospel of John was written by John, one of Jesus's disciples.

What were the 4 Gospels based on?

The 4 gosples are based onJesus birthJesus child hood and adult hoodlast supperjesus deathJesus resurectionJuduses deaththe 45,678 diciplespaul and saulhow the 45,678 diciples witnessed to others

Is God real and is the Bible a reliable book?

God is real and the Bible is a reliable book especially the gospels because in the gosples they are all written by different people and they are proven very reliable because they don't contridict themselves.

What is the name of the person who wort the gosples?

The Gospels shared by all denominations of Christianity using the Holy Bible as their text are named for their authors. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. All but Luke were disciples of Jesus Christ; they are telling the life and miracles of Christ based on firsthand witness experience. Luke was a physician after the death of Christ who compiled his gospel based on interviews, etc. with eye witnesses. At least that's what I was taught in Lutheran confirmation classes. There are other books in the New Testament named for people, like James, but these are not considered Gospels; Gospels tell the life of Christ.

Compare the names of the deciples in the gosples?

According to Luke 10:2-4.Simon (Peter)AndrewJames (son of Zebedee)JohnPhilipBartholomewThomasMatthewJames (son of Alphaeus)Lebbaeus (surname Thaddeus)Simon the CanaaniteJudas IscariotAccording to Mark 3:16-19Simon (Peter)James (son of Zebedee)JohnAndrewPhilipBartholomewMatthewThomasJames (son of Alphaeus)ThaddeusSimon the CanaaniteJudas IscariotAccording to Luke 6:14-16Simon (Peter)AndrewJamesJohnPhilipBartholomewMatthewThomasJames (son of Alphaeus)Simon (Zeolotes)Judas (brother of James)Judas (Iscariot)According to Acts 1:13PeterJamesJohnAndrewPhilipThomasBartholomewMatthewJames (son of Alphaeus)Simon ZeolotesJudas (brother of James)