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Using a hashtag (#) is like tagging on blogs. Hashtags on tweets make it helpful then to search for all the tweet tagged by a specific tag.

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Eg. #foreveralone when someone clicks on that hashtag your tweet, together with others who written the same hashtag, will appear. Something like that.

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Q: What is the hash or pound sign in Twitter?
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Why do they call a pound sign hash tag?

why do people use hash sign in texting and facebook

Who invented hash sign?

Twitter invented the hash tag (#) in 2006. Before this its use was completely unknown and only ever occurred when an Apple Mac user accidentally pressed (alt+3) instead of (shift+3) when trying to use the Pound sign (£).

On twitter when you type a topic with a hash in front of it when it sHow is up it never acts as a link why is this?

Make sure there is no space between the hash sign and the topic.

Why is pound symbol or tic tac toe sign called hashtag?

In a way it's like asking why is socker called football. In English speaking countries outside the United States the pound sign is call a hash. The hash combined with the word that follows it are called a hashtag.

Why is hash sign coming when I press the pound sign on the keyboard?

Adjust your keyboard on the computer settings by right clicking desktop then personalize...hope this worked :)

What is hashtag-?

The hashtag is a keyword with the sign of # that we use on our content to reach different pages and get engagement on our account.I was searching on the internet and I found a website where you can generate hashtag according to your can check it

What is the definition for hashtag?

A tag embedded in a message posted on the Twitter microblogging service, consisting of a word within the message prefixed with a hash sign.

What is the meaning of pound sign in twitter?

The hash sign # is an important community feature on Twitter, much like the @ sign. While @ is used to denote @replies, the # is used to denote #hashtags. A #hashtag is used to mark tweets on a given topic, allowing for that topic to be searched for easily.For example, tweets about WikiAnswers may have a #wikianswers tag, while tweets about the Nintendo Wii use a #wii tag. Most Twitter clients, including the site itself, automatically detect #hashtags: if you click on a tag, a search of that tag will automatically open.

How do you find the meaning of a twitter hash tag?

By clicking on it.

What are some alternate meanings for the number sign?

There are no alternate meanings for "Number Sign(#)", there are however different names for it. For example it's called the "Pound Sign" in North America, but in Europe and England it's called the "Hash".

What do the numbers mean under the twitter profile pic startring with a hash tag. Is it a geo -location thing or is it a Twitter ranking?

In this case, it's not a hashtag. It's actually a number sign. Twitter now displays the Google PageRank for each Twitter profile page. It should not be confused with a Twitter ranking -- people with lower follower counts can have better PageRank.

What is the meaning of the blue world in Twitter?

Hash Tag or/and link to another website