

What are the health benefits for a pro soccer player?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What are the health benefits for a pro soccer player?
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Health and life insurance for a pro soccer player?

Health and life insurance for a pro soccer player can be purchased through any life insurance and health insurance agent. The insurance can also be supplied by the player's management.

Benifits of being a pro soccer player?

the benefits are you get a lot of money travel the country and fans.

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Pele considered to be the greatest soccer player of all time.

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No not really!

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A women pro soccer player?

yes, a women can become a pro soccer player, because they too havethe potential on being a pro just the same as men. lot of women of a set dream to become a pro soccer player and some times they don't let them because of the gender! women and men are created equally!