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Their are many health risks of having a silicon breast. The main issue revolves around the irritation to the skin that can be caused by the silicone. This can cause more severe risks if not handled properly.

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Q: What are the health risks of having a silicone breast?
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What are the main risks when having silicone breasts?

Probably the greatest risk associated with silicone breast implants is the risk of a rupture. This can be difficult to detect without an MRI scan, and can cause serious complications such as siliconomas and gel bleed.

What are all the health risks of breast implants?

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"The three main types of breast implants are those filled with silicone, saline, or gel. The best choice for you will depend on the shape, volume, and feel you are trying to achieve. It is important to note that there are also varying health risks associated with each type of implant; more information on the health risks can be found by contacting the American Food and Drug Administration, or the American Medical Association."

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Information about the risks of having a breast reduction surgery can be found on many medical websites. Webmd, Surgery, and NHS offer information on this topic. The best solution would be to go to a doctor and ask him about the risks involved.

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What are some risks associated with breast implant surgery?

Some of the risks of breast implant surgery include additional surgery, capsular contracture, breast pain, changes in nipple and breast sensation, and rupture.