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Q: What are the internal and external environment of commercial bank organisation?
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What are the differences between internal and external environment?

The differences between internal and external environment is: Internal environment involve within the organization, which are the employee attitudes,new equipment,strategy,work forces. The organization has the control of these matters because it happen within the organization unless like external environment. AND for the external environment,is clearly stated with the word external itself which means outside of the organizations which effect the changes in the organization which the organization does not have the control of it. External environment are involved by the PESTLE- Politic, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal and Environment.

What is the nature and structure of business environment?

The business environment is the combination of internal and external factors that influence its operation. The structure of the business environment is dependent on the specific type of business.

What is the difference between internal and external?

Internal is a concern, activity or process inside or "within" an entity (e.g. internal medicine, internal combustion).External is applied to forces or influences outside the entity (e.g. external symptoms, external hard drives).Internal and external are another way of saying inside and outside.

What are the main steps of marketing?

1) Market Analysis: analysing External Macro Environment, External Micro Environment, Internal Environment, Market Segmentation, Product analysis. 2) Market Placement: targeting, positioning, forecasting. 3) Advertising Management: Objectives, budgeting, legal requirements, media strategy and communication.

Is there a difference between internal and external financing?

Internal means it is contained inside something; external means it comes from outside.

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What is the definition on environment by different authors?

Environment means that boundary which is affected by the external & internal factors of the organisation.

How a manager manages internal and external environment of the organisation?

A manager manages internal environment of the organization by keeping track of all the departments of the organization. A manager manages external environment of the organization by keeping track of all the customers, competitions and economy.

What is internal environment on an organization?

an internal environment of an organisation is the environment the organisation has control over, it simply means the environment within the organisation. In business management the internal environment of the organisation consists of its internal resource and capabilities. So what resources does the organisation have to turn inputs into outputs and does it have the skills and knowledge necessary to do so?

Who is an internal and external customer?

Internal customers are familys

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Explain in detail internal and external factors affecting business environment?

internal and external factors in the organizational environment

What are the factors that impact recruitment in organizations?

The recruitment function of the organisations is affected and governed by a mix of various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the factors that can be controlled by the organisation. And the external factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organisation. The internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of an organisation are:FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT

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