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Asia, and australlia...... Indian ocean and Pacific Ocean are bodies of water :d

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Q: What are the land masses and bodiesof water that surrounds the Philippines?
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What are the bodies of water surrounds Philippines?

Celebes sea, South China Sea, Pacific Ocean

Is Luzon Sea part of the body of water that surrounds the Philippines?

The Luzon Sea is that part of the East Vietnam Sea within Philippine territory. It lies west of the Philippines; it does not surround the country.

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The Mediterranean Sea surrounds Cyprus

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There is no major body of water that surrounds Austria; it is a landlocked country.

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There are no major bodies of water that border Wyoming. There are, however six states that do. Starting from the north and going clockwise, they are Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah and Idaho.

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The body of water that surrounds the Great Barrier Reef is the Coral Sea.

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Distinguish between water bodies and land masses?

Water bodies are liquid and land masses are solid.

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Maritime Masses form over water.

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The Arctic Ocean covers the magnetic North Pole