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Longitude and latitude

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Q: What are the lines on maps and globes that help us find places?
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What are two advantages maps and globes?

They help you to find out certain places you want to look for. they are advantages because they can help you to research places for: a vacation, school or for fun.

Why do mapmakers use imaginary lines on maps and globes?

These lines are not actually on the planet, but are imaginary lines used to help us find our way around the curved surface of Earth

Why are globes important?

Globes are important because they help us with geography, and show us the location of distant places. Unlike a map, globes are the exact figure, or model of the earth. Without globes, no one would know what the earth really looks like, and there would be no maps, because they are based on globes.

Why are lines of latitude and longitude imaginary lines?

The lines are "imaginary", because they don't really exist in nature. We created most of those lines, mathematically, and we use these lines to help us describe where we are. We draw those lines on the maps and globes to help us describe things. There's one of those "imaginary" lines that have some physical meaning; the equator.

How do globes help us?

Globes are much more realistic and accurate than flat maps.

How are toposheets useful to us?

they help us locate places with the help of grid lines........................

What continent is not shown on either of these globes?

Since WE cannot see the globes you're referring to... we cannot help you !

What does a celestial globe help us do?

Globes are more accurate than maps, even though the lines of Latitude and Longitude on a flat map is curved, on a globe, you can clearly see that Greenland is NOT larger than the United States. Like Columbus failed: The earth is round, not flat.

What is a grid How does it help us to locate places?

It is a network of lines that used to zone different areas on a map. They help locate places by separating areas

What are the pattern of lines drawn on maps help locate places?

map index

What are imaginary lines that are used to help locate places and objects?

latitude and longitude

What do lines of latitude measure What do lines of longitude measure?

The lines don't measure anything, any more than the marks on a ruler do. Latitude and longitude are angles on the Earth's surface, measured between zero- references and the location you're trying to find or describe. Some maps and globes have some latitudes and longitudes marked on them, to help you estimate the angles. Just like the marks on a ruler.