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The main feature of common law is that this type of law represents the judicial decisions within the court system. The main feature of statute law is that it represents the wishes and beliefs of the legislature.

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Q: What are the main features of common law and statute law?
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Why is statute law superior to common law?

It's not. Common law is suprior to statute law.

What the common law duty placed on a promoter give one example of what this duty requires?

There is no such thing as "enforceable" common-law. Common law evolved long ago into statute law and it is the provisions of statute law with which courts must contend with today. Statute law (especially in the English-speaking countries of the world) is based on common law but no such 'common law' survives today which is not codified and set forth in statute law. Common law is NOT legally enforceable.

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Statue Law

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common law is based on precedent rather on statute law

What are the two kinds of laws you have in australia?

Statute law and common law are the two types of laws in Australia. Statute law refers to the legislation passed in parliament. Upon approval by parliament, statute law becomes common law. Common law emanates from the judiciary, and they are laws passed by juries and judges.

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When the common law does not provide an answer the courts must refer to a statute law for guidance?

No. The question is stated in reverse. When the statute has not addressed an issue, then the courts must look to common law.

Does a state statute have priority over a common law of that state?

Statute law comes from legislation. Legislation is enacted by our parliaments and politicians supposedly voicing the needs and social standards of the community as a whole. Common law is made from the verdicts made by judges interpreting statute law. Also it says so in the Constitution!

What effect statute law may have on common law?

What effect statute law may have on common law principles existed prior to the statute?

Are wills statute or common law?

Probate law is now codified (by statutory law) in most jurisdictions but it is derived from common law.

Can common law override statute law?

Yes and no. In general, in the U.S., a statute overrides pre-existing common law, to the extent of the statute's language. For example, a common law rule may apply to "all contracts". If the legislature later enacts a statute that is stated to apply to "all contracts for the sale of goods," then the statute overrides common law, but only with respect to contracts for the sale of goods.However, a later court case may arise where there is some question to whether the statute applies as written; there is an issue that is not explicitly covered by the statute (for example, the statute may not have defined "goods"). The court may then interpret the statute's unexpressed terms, and in that sense "override" the statute (at least in part) by its interpretation. And that interpretation will be followed in lower court cases.But the right of courts to throw out, or void, statutes because they are unconstitutional is well enshrined in U.S. common law.

What is Relationship between legislation and case law?

In the US legal system, indeed all common law systems, there are 2 basic forms of the law. There is statute and then there is common law. Common law is "judge made law" which is based on the doctrine of stare decisis. Legislation leads to statute, which is passed by a governing body and is controlling as law itself. However, statute still depends upon judicial interpretation.