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humans are the major cause of the przewalski horses disappearance

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Q: What are the major causes of the destruction of przewalski horses habitat?
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Related questions

What is it like where the przewalk's horse lives?

Przewalski's Horses live in a habitat of mainly wilderness in Mongolia.

WHY DID THE przewalski originally become extinct?

because they have lost much of their natural habitat to grazing domestic animals, farmers, and lack of other przewalski horses to mate with

Are Przewalski horses endangered?


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Are ALL Przewalski's Horses undomesticated?

Yes, no Przewalski's Horse has ever been successfully domesticated.

Are there Przewalski's Horses in Yellowstone National Park?


What is the przewalski horses enemy's?

humans and wolves

What is Przewalski's horse?

Przewalski's horses are wild horses that not many people have tamed in the past. They are thousands of years old and are extremely untame :) Have fun ~Laura~

What is a wild horse suitable habitat?

It depends on the breed of wild horse (domesticated horses are really only breeds but some wild horses are a breed like the Przewalski's horse) - whether they are cold or hot - blooded to figure out the climate and habitat they would be most suited in/ where they originated from as well.

What were the first three horses that all horses have in them?

main species; arab przewalski mustang

Why do przewalski's horse live in the mountains of Mongolia?

The Przewalski's Horse is the only truly wild horse as they are not descendants of domesticated horses. These horses evolved to live in the areas of Mongolia that they currently live in.

Are Przewalski's horse extinct?

The Przewalski horses are not extinct, but they are extremely rare and in danger of extinction. There are not any left in the wild but they can be seen in Zoos.