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The major components of Cultural Geography are Social Groups and Human Living (Geography.)

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Q: What are the major components of cultural geography?
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What is cultural geography?

The definition for the word cultural geography is "a sub-field within human geography. Cultural geography is the study of cultural products and norms and their variations across and relations to spaces and places."

Is there cultural geography?

Cultural geography is the study of cultural products, norms and traditions and their relationship to spaces and places. It is a sub-field of human geography.

What is another term for human geography?

Cultural Geography.

The study of culture is called what geography?

Human Geography. Also, Cultural Geography can be used

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Definition of geography?

Geography is the study of earth's physical and cultural features.

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Does a college major degree of geography include physical geography and human geography?

Geography degrees can either take the form of Bachelors Of Arts or Bachelors Of Science degrees. Bachelors of Science degrees usually involved studying physical geography, whereas BA degrees tend to focus on human geography. These are the two main divisions of degrees, and each would leave you in a different direction professionally.

Which of these is not studied in the field of geography?

Cultural habits.

What are the major branches of geography?

physical geography and human geography

Physical geography and cultural is the alike of different?

they are different because humans cultural and geography is dealing with two different things one about life and another about the world

How does the geography shaped cultural values practices?
