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Q: What are the names of some important credit reporting agencies?
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What are the names of the 3 major credit reporting agencies?

In the UK, Experian, Equifax and Call Credit

What are the names of the 3 credit reporting agencies?

In the United States almost everyone over the age of 18 has a credit report with the three top credit reporting agencies. Those three companies are Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. The 3 agencies in the United States that report credit are Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.

What are the names of two online sites that offer free credit reports and there is no credit card needed to get the credit report?

There are many different places one might go to receive a free credit report. The Annual Credit Report does not require a credit card and allows you to get reports from up to three credit reporting agencies.

What are the names of the three main credit bureaus agencies?

In the USA, the three main credit bureaus are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. In the UK, the three main credit reference agencies are Experian, Equifax, and Callcredit.

What are the names of the three credit reporting bureaus that determine your fico scare?

Transunion, Equifax, And Experian

Why would your home be listed on all 3 credit reports as included in the bankruptcy if it was not included in the bankruptcy?

Because the credit bureaus are notorious for reporting credit inaccurately, from addresses you never lived at to wrong spellings of names to accounts that aren't yours. If you notice a problem, contact the agencies, dispute it and be ready to show them the paperwork to prove your point.

What are the names of some debt collection agencies?

A few debt collection agencies to check out are: Credit Bureau Collections Ltd, Collection Systems Canada Corp, Direct Collect, Global Collection Consultants and National Credit Recovery Inc.

What if your credit report has your name misspelled?

Contact the three credit reporting agencies directly. First get a free copy of your report at if you have not already. Alternate names can be found under other, alias or aka. Also listed with creditors on your file. If it is under other names variations and you don't have any open account with the misspelling you can have them removed by disputing online, postal mail or by phone providing your personal information. If it however is the primary name on your credit file I have found that not all credit agencies will correct or remove. If accounts are still open with the wrong spelling of your name you should contact the creditors directly and ask them to correct. If the name is not yours and not your account dispute. Good luck.

How To Understand Your Credit Report?

If you want to save money on your large purchases, you should strive to maintain a good credit report. Your credit report gives lenders the information they need to determine whether or not to approve your loan. When you buy a house, car or any other significant purchase, you can save several hundreds or even thousands of dollars by maintaining a good credit score. You can order your credit report online at no charge once a year. If you have been turned down for a credit application, you can also request your credit report at no charge. The name of the three credit reporting agencies are Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. There are online credit report agencies that will charge you a fee for your credit report. Make it a habit to check your credit report each year. Credit reporting agencies use your legal name, address, date of birth and social security number to identify you. Your credit report will list other names you may have if you are a female who has been married and divorced a few times. You will also find the addresses where you have lived previously. Be sure the information is factual because errors can occur. If you find an error on your credit report you should write the credit reporting agency immediately. You will find on your credit report a list of your credit accounts. The lender will report the date you opened the account, balance information and your payment history. The three credit report agencies vary slightly in their formats. Check your credit account information carefully for accuracy. Your credit report will also list companies that have inquired about your credit. Examples of these would include lenders, credit card companies and others. If you have any collection items or public record information such as bankruptcies, judgments or liens, then this information will also be included on your credit report. Take the time to order your credit report and take steps to improve your credit. Improving your credit will save you money on your large purchases. Make sure your credit report is accurate and monitor it at least once a year.

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