

What are the names of the awards Clara Barton get?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are the names of the awards Clara Barton get?
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What are the names of the awards Clara Barton got?

Nobel Peace Prize

What was Clara Barton's parents named?

Clara Barton's parents' names were Stephen and Sarah Barton.

What awards did Clara Barton face?


What was Clara barton's parents names?

what is clara bartons mom and fathers name

What are Clara Barton's brothers NAMES?

They're names were Stephen and David.

What were Clara Barton brothers names?

one was david.

What was Clara Barton's hobby?

Clara Barton's father was Stephen Barton and Clara Barton's mother was Sarah Stone Barton.

Which woman brought the Red Cross to the US?

Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.

Did Clara Barton win any awards?

Clara Barton received the Cross of Imperial Russia, the International Red Cross Medal, and the Iron Cross. The awarding of the Iron Cross by the Kingdom of Prussia was especially unusual as it was normally restricted to military men.

Was Clara Barton real?

Clara barton is real

Was Clara Barton Jewish?

No, Clara Barton was a Universalist.

What were the names of Clara bartons parents?

Their names were Stephen and Sarah.