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They are coefficients.

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Q: What are the numbers to the left of formulas for reactants are called?
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Are formulas for the reactants written on the right?

No. The reactants are written on the left of the arrow.

Are the formulas for reactants on the right?

Formulas for reactants are usually placed on the left and products are usually placed on the right.

What are the reactants and products in a chemical equation to the left of the formulas called?

Reactants are the material or substance that react with each other. Product is the result of a reaction between two reactants. for example : magnesium + oxygen- magnesium oxideREACTANT 1+ REACTANT2 - PRODUCT

The substances to the left of the arrow in a chemical equation are called?

The substances to the left are called Reactants, and the rights are Products . For example=H2 + Cl2 -----> 2HClHere, Hydrogen (reactant) gets combined with Chlorine (reactant) to form Hydrogen Chloride(product). The number 2 is used to balance the equation

What are the substance on the left side of an equation called?

The reactants are written on the left side of a word equation.

What do you call the things on the left-hand side of an equation?

If you are referring to a chemical equation, the items on the left hand side are called the reactants.

What are the molecules on the right side of a chemical equadtion called?


The left of the arrow in a chemical equation are called?

reactants is the right answer. :)

What are the compound left of the arrow in a chemical reaction called?

the reactants

What are the moleculws on the left side of a chemical equation called?


What are the molicules the left side of chemical equation called?


What are the substances found on the left side of the arrow in a chemical equation called?

products The chemical on the right side of the chemical equation are generally referred to as products. (Although in reversible chemical reactions, they can also be thought of as reactants.)