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Rubella infection during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy may cause fetal death and more than 50% of newborns have severe birth defects.

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Q: What are the odds for birth defects when rubella is contracted during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy?
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What birth defects can rubella cause?

Rubella isn't usually a serious disease in children, a vaccine is a simple way to prevent it, however it can be very serious if a pregnant woman becomes infected. If she developed rubella during pregnancy, especially during the first three months, the infection is likely to spread to the foetus and cause congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Up to 20% of the infants born to mothers infected with rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy have CRS. CRS can result in miscarriage, stillbirth and severe birth defects. The most common of the defects are blindness, deafness, heart damage and mental retardation.

What disease causes rubella?

Rubella isn't usually a serious disease in children, a vaccine is a simple way to prevent it, however it can be very serious if a pregnant woman becomes infected. If she developed rubella during pregnancy, especially during the first three months, the infection is likely to spread to the foetus and cause congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Up to 20% of the infants born to mothers infected with rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy have CRS. CRS can result in miscarriage, stillbirth and severe birth defects. The most common of the defects are blindness, deafness, heart damage and mental retardation.

What is Congenital Rubella Syndrome?

Congenital Rubella Syndrome is caused by the mother of an unborn child contracting the German Measles during the first trimester of pregnancy. The Rubella virus gets transmitted to the baby and can cause many birth defects and health problems. Mental retardation, blindness, deafness and heart problems are some of the effects related to Rubella.

What can rubella cause during the first three months of pregnancy?

miscarriage, stillbirth, or damage to the fetus during the first trimester (three months) of pregnancy.

What effects does German Measles have on a pregnant woman and her unborn baby?

The German Measles also called Rubella only effects the unborn baby during the first trimester of pregnancy. The earlier the Rubella is contracted, the more damage it can do to the unborn baby. When a baby is born to a Rubella infected mother they are born with the virus even if they do not show the physical signs of Rubella. This is called Congenital Rubella Syndrome and the baby can be contagious for up to a year after birth. The Rubella Virus can cause severe birth defects including blindness, deafness, heart problems, mental retardation, other learning disabilities, emotional/psychological challenges. Despite these limitations babies born to mothers who had the rubella virus can lead normal lives.There usually no lasting effects for the mother with the exception of false guilt for being exposed to the virus while pregnant.

Folate deficiency during pregnancy is associated with what?

Neural tube defects.

What is the viral infection known as rubella?

Rubella, or German measles is a three-day measles. It is a viral infection that causes death or severe birth defects if transmitted to the fetus during the first 10 weeks of gestation.

Mothers who drink during pregnancy will have children that may experience?

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy often results in birth defects in the baby.

Are there signs that the fetus has defects during pregnancy?

usually, only on the 4th or 5th ultrasound is visible, whether the fetus has defects or not. you can't feel it. it has to be during an ultrasound.

Can Paxil taken during pregnancy cause high-functioning autism?

No, and taking Paxil during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and even death.

Why do only girls are given the rubella vaccine when they are about 12 years old?

Girls need protection against rubella in case of pregnancy. If a pregnant women should get rubella it will cause teratogenic to the unborn baby. Those can be eye, ear, heart and brain teratogenic. Mostly this will happen during the first thre months of pregnancy. In case of pregnancy the doctors in Germany make a blood test to find out if the women has immunisation against rubella.

What are the non-genetic causes of microcephaly?

Other possible causes of microcephaly include infections during pregnancy (rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis), adverse effects of medication, and the excessive use of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy