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Genetic influences on autism are estimated to be around 74%-98%, so chances of an Autistic person having Autistic offspring is highly likely and a person of any neurology with one Autistic child may be more likely to have another Autistic child. There is no way of knowing for sure, we're not at a point where we can identify specific causes let alone how likely Autistic offspring are.

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Q: What are the odds of a women who has a child with autism having another one?
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Would you be at a greater risk of having a child with autism if the mother is mid thirties in age and the father has a half brother with autism?

Yes. A woman's risk of having a child with autism increases with age. Women in their 30s and 40s are at a higher risk than younger women, and if the father's half-brother inherited autism from the parent that gave birth to the father then the likelihood of him passing it on is slightly increased as any family history of autism will make it more likely to appear in future generations. Though most cases of autism are relatively mild, the severity of the case cannot be predicted by past cases in the family. For instance, the father's half brother could be severely autistic, but he may still father an unaffected child, or one with a very mild case. I would contact a genetic counselor for further review. If this is not possible, contacting a gynecologist/obstetrician is a good idea because they deal with health issues of the embryo and fetus and further explore the risks. In fact, the risk of having an autistic child increases with the father's age. The older the father is, the bigger the chance is.

Can an older man and a younger women produce an autism baby?

Yes - just like any other couple could have an autistic child.

Are more females having autism than studies actually say?

Yes, there are likely far more females with Autism than we know about.Take me for example - I was very severely effected as a child but at the time Autism was known as something that only effected boys so I was not diagnosed as a child despite being severely effected. There are many girls and women who are less severely effected, because their symptoms and characteristics present differently it's more difficult to spot Autism in those females. Socialization is also a factor, when girls are expected to be quiet and reserved it's less obvious when they are due to Autism, whereas with boys they are expected to be loud and bold so it's easier to spot Autism characteristics.

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What famous women had autism?

There are likely been many famous women who have autism, most of whom may not have been public about their autism or may not have been aware they were autistic. Three of the most famous autistic women include Temple Grandin, Courtney Love, and Daryl Hannah.

If a women get married to another man can the father of that child give his right on that child?

see link

Is age 35 too old for women to have babies?

Once you start getting into the late-40's, having a child can be risky. Your child will have a higher chance of having genetic diseases such as Down Syndrome and Autism. It is still possible to have a child, it's just very risky.

If you one women without condom which is having one child does you have aids it?

yes you have aids

Do women who use drugs before and during pregnancy have a greater chance of having babies with Asperger's Syndrome?

Aspergers syndrome and autism are passed genetically, so drugs do not affect it

If a women gets married to another man do you have to pay child support?

Yes, you do.

Will it effect the health of child if one women had intercourse with one man and after some days with another man?

Only if you were infected with a STI. Apart form that the fetus takes no harm from you having sex.

What are the chances of having a child with a chromosomal inheritance error become greater as the woman?

as women grow older