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Water is an inorganic product.
Although carbon dioxide contain carbon is traditionally considered also an inorganic product.

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Q: What are the organic products in carbon dioxide and water?
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Combustion is a type of oxidation; combustion is the reaction of organic materials when the products are carbon dioxide and water.

Are carbon dioxide and water organic compunds?

Water is an inorganic compound; carbon dioxide is theoretically an organic compound but by tradition is studied in inorganic chemistry.

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The process by which organic compounds are made from carbon dioxide and water and sunlight is called photosynthesis.

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The two main waste products of respiration are Water (H2O) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

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the products of respiration: carbon dioxide + water. oxygen + glucose --> carbon dioxide + water. to remember it, think of breathing in oxygen and your food is the glucose, then when you breathe out, you release carbon dioxide and water vapour.

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The correct answer is: Carbon dioxide and water.

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Carbon dioxide can be produced by burning organic compounds in oxygen. Carbon dioxide and water are always products of combustion reactions involving organic compounds.

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