

Best Answer
Equilateral Triangle

Three equal sides

Three equal angles, always 60°

Isosceles Triangle

Two equal sides

Two equal angles

Scalene Triangle

No equal sides

No equal angles

There are three special names given to triangles that tell how many sides (or angles) are equal.

There can be 3, 2 or no equal sides/angles:

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Q: What are the other three names for a triangle?
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What are the three main triangle names?

equalateral, isosiles, and right triangle

What are two names for a triangle?

A triangle can also be called a three sided polygon, or possibly a wedge shape.

What are the three names of the three line segments of a triangle?

If it's a right angle triangle then the sides are: opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse which is the longest side

What is the name of a triangle with three sides?

Every triangle has three sides. If it has any number of sides other than three, then it isn't a triangle.

What are the names of the three sides of a right triangle?

adjacent, opposite and hypotenuse

What Kind of name is a triangle?

A triangle is the 2D name of a certain shape. A triangle has three sides and, in the case of a right angled triangle, has an angle of 90 degrees in one corner. There are many other names depending on the angles used.

Name a three corner shape other than a triangle?

Triangle means 3 angles. No other shape exists and any three angle shape is a triangle

Why is every three sided polygon a triangle?

because there is no other polygon that has three sides excpt a triangle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is a isoceles triangle an equilateral triangle?

If it were, there would be no need to have two different names for it. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal.

What are three mysterious things that have happened in the Bermuda triangle?

Well,flight 19 disappeared in it, and 2 other ships did as well.(I don't know the names of them.)

Is there other names for a triangle-based pyramid?

tetrahedral prism

What are other names for a triangle?

there is a right triangle an iscosoles trinagle and another one i cannot remember=P