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In yeast cells the vacuole is a dynamic structure that can rapidly modify its morphology.

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14y ago

A yeast cell consists of : * A cell wall-to provide support *A nucleus- contains information *Vacuole- fluid filled sac Hope ive helped (: Kaayy

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Evan MCdee

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Q: What are the parts and function of the yeast cell?
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What are the parts of the yeast and function?

A yeast cell consists of : * A cell wall-to provide support *A nucleus- contains information *Vacuole- fluid filled sac Hope ive helped (: Kaayy

How does yeast affect cells?

Boiling will kill the yeast cell, thus the membrane wont function.

Do yeast cells have membrane bound organelles?

Mitochondria are important cellular parts which are known as the 'power house' of the cell. Mitochondria provides energy to the cell by performing the function of respiration.Yeast cells also need their energy requirements to be fulfilled for carrying out cellular activities. Hence, yeast cells have mitochondria.

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Which is the smallest out of yeast or viruses or bacteria?

Viruses are, by far, the smallest. Bacteria and yeast cells have a complete cell structure, including the nucleus and all of the other parts of a cell. Viruses don't, so they have to inject their 'material' (I don't remember the name of the inside the virus) into the 'host' cell and force it to duplicate the viruses, which kills the host cell.

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The function of the cell membrane in the plant cell is to separate the interior parts of the cell from the cell wall, and to block off what the cell wall can't.

What are the two main function of cell wall?

to protect the rest of the parts of that cell and to hold all of the parts together

What is the diameter of a yeast cell?

a yeast cell of 3um

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What the describe the function of parts?

the cell membranes selectivley permits material to pass in or out of the cell

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a cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living things wich means the parts of a bacteria cell are called organisims!:)

What are the parts and function of a dendrites?

Transmits Information to the cell body