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The parts of a chromosome that control inherited traits is referred to as genes. There are many types of inherited traits, some visible while the others are invisible,

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Q: What are the parts of a chromosome that control inherited traits?
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What is a list of the 3 parts of a chromosome?

Telomere - The ends of the chromosome. Centromere - The primary constriction of the chromosome. Chromatid - A single molecule of DNA. The centromere also divides the chromosome into a short arm (p) and a long arm (q).

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Deletions are a loss of all or part of a chromosome. Duplications produce extra copies of parts of a chromosome. Inversions reverse the direction of parts of a chromosome. Translocations occur when part of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another.

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An exchange of chromosome segments is called a translocation. In genetics, it refers to a chromosome abnormality caused by rearrangement of parts between nonhomologous chromosomes.

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A trait is generally something that is inherited from your biological family through genetics, such as eye color. A characteristic is usually something that is unique to the individual, such as sense of humor or the way someone dresses. Traits are generaly physical while your character is more your personality

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Body parts starting with the letter x?

There is the xiphoid process (a small piece of cartilage at the base of your sternum)XX chromosome...orXY chromosome:)