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if you mean under the infuence then a night in the slammer and a varying fine

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Q: What are the penalties for driving under?
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Penalties for driving under influence dui?


What are that penalties for driving under the influence DUI?

fined between $500-$1000 on the first offence

How many points is A?

The penalties for DUI (Driving Under The Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) offenses are determined by the laws of the state in which they occurred.

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The penalties for DUI (Driving Under The Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) offenses are determined by the laws of the state in which they occurred.

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Marijuana is not legal in Australia, and driving under the influence of marijuana carries severe penalties.

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There are some pretty shocking penalties. DUI's are bad and illegal. You should never drive while intoxicated. Play it safe and call a cab. Brah

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it really maters what state you are in some states have penalties

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The penalties for driving on a revoked license in Massachusetts include losing your license for up to one year as well as fines of about $500.

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What are the fines and penalties for driving while intoxicated?

Depends on the state texas

What is a list of the main penalties for a DWI conviction?

FinesImprisonmentLoss of driving privileges

What are the penalties for minors persons under the age of 21 convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol?

Punishable by a fine up to $500.00 not less than 40 nor more than 60 hours of community service, and the minors drivers license may be suspended (or driving privilege denied)