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The pentatonic scale has 5 notes. It is similar to the omission of subdominant and leading note of major scale. Starting from D, the scale is D E F# A B.

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Q: What are the pitch syllables of a D pentatonicD major scale?
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The correct scale for concert pitch C on a tenor horn is a C major.

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Those syllables are called "solfege." Each syllable corresponds to a specific scale degree in the major scale.

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There's only one tonic in every scale. It's the first pitch played in the scale. In this case it's a C. Were it Bb major, the tonic would be Bb, D major the tonic would be D, etc..

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Depending on which scale you are playing, it can be any note. If you are talking about solfegge syllables, the third syllable is "mi". If you are playing a C Major scale, the third note, mi, would be the note E.

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The major scale is the major scale. If it was altered, then it wouldn't be the major scale anymore.

What arrangement of pitch classes represents the C major scale?

C, d, e, f, g, a, b

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F, G, A, B flat, C, D, E

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C major is a major scale starting from C.

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How many syllables is the word scale?

The word scale has one syllable.