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A common feature of governments based on the UK system is that the Head of State is separated from the Head of Government. The monarch can therefore serve as a head of state and represent the country while the day-to-day running of the country is carried out by the government, with the Head of Government being the Prime Minister.

Another good reason is that having a monarchy can stop collapse of the country. In 1981, the Spanish Government were taken hostage in a coup; King Juan Carlos responded with a televised speech denouncing the coup and urging people to stand up for their democratic government; soon it was restored. Thailand avoided two similar attempts around that time thanks to their monarchy.

Disadvantages is that it can cost money to keep and often serves no apparent purpose other than to keep traditions going. Some monarchies have existed alongside fascist dictatorships, such as in Italy.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Constitutional monarchy combines some of the advantages of both representative government and that of absolute monarchy. The monarch him or herself provides a personal focus of national identity. This is especially important in cases where the national identity is trumped by ethnic, sectarian or tribal affiliation. Under these conditions elected officials who are not responsible to a single national figure can be expected to act in the best interests of their particular faction rather than in the interest in the nation as a whole. The constitutional advantages lie in the need of a monarch to codify traditional governance, moving governance from the realm of custom into the realm of law. These advantages may be non existent in a society without a strong sense of civil society or a tradition of political stability.

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9y ago


1. There is only one person that will decide, so the decisions are made quickly and there are fewer arguments regarding the new policies to be imposed.

2. Monarchy reduces the heavy amount of expenditures of the nation in the elections as there is no need to elect the next ruler. The existing ruler will choose who his/her successor is.

3. The masses have great respect to their king or queen that an elected president as he/ she will rule for a term only.

4. Countries ruled by a monarch government have less corruption. Rulers know that their leadership is not for a term period, so they have no lust for money. They do not have the intentions to misuse their authority for corruption.


1. In monarchy, a single person will rule the entire country as long as he/she lives. Therefore, the masses do not have the power to remove him/her from leadership even is he is not functioning according to the will of the masses.

2. A person who is aware that he/she will rule the country for the rest of his life does not take the responsibility to work for the betterment of his people seriously. He knows that he does not answer to anyone, which leads to economic disrupt.

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11y ago

Positive advantages - The advantages of having a monarchy as a form of government is that the Monarch doesn't have to be re-elected so they don't make short term plans to increase popularity, instead they look towards the future and do what is best for their country in the long run.

Negative disadvantages - The Negative effects of a Monarchy is that they are born in to royalty and they have no concept of what the workers and labours go through or who they live. An example of this *according to the British* when the French King and Queen (King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) were told that the people had no bread to eat, replied with 'Let them eat cake' to which had the French revolutionist storm the Palace of Versailles, where the royal family lived, arrested King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and later executed them both at Place DE la Concorde

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9y ago

One major advantage of a Constitutional Monarchy is that there is no political campaigning that takes place as the head of the government is seated by position within the family. One major disadvantage of a Constitutional Monarchy is that there is no way to remove the head of government from their seat as they are born into their position.

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9y ago


-provides stability, continuity, and a national focus


-king or queen has all political power

-the monarch governs only according to the constitution or rules

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14y ago

Monarchies are based on hereditary control; the only qualification the current monarch has is that they were the previous king/queen's son/daughter. As history has shown, this can easily result in a ruler with no real ability to rule and as a consequence the country suffers, sometimes culminating in unrest and even revolt. While a constitutional monarchy can limit the damage somewhat, having one person in control of the country is still not the best idea.

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11y ago

History has demonstrated that there no positives to an absolute monarchy. One political philosopher said it this way: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now Plato's "dream" of the philosopher king is exactly that a dream. Here are a few more negatives to an absolute monarchy: It becomes a family "thing" and the new king or queen may turn out to be a cruel dictator; while certain injustices can be eradicated by a powerful monarch, no citizen has recourse to avoid being arrested and imprisoned unjustly.

The monarch, as demonstrated by emperors in the Roman Empire is a target for others to assassinate the king and thus we have a new king. As the song by the rock band The Who points out (I'll paraphrase) "down with the old boss, say hello to the new boss and the shotgun is the way"

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