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To eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

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Q: What are the precautions a vegetarian might take to ensure a balance of essential amino acids is achieved?
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by consuming things only which are so essential to me

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In any market, equilibrium is achieved when the level of demand is equal to level of supply. This means that there is a perfect balance between the two variables.

Does anyone know what this may mean Upon the darkness made by light great strength is given so that balance may be achieved?

I'll give it a shot The way I read this is that when darkness is made light strength is given by the light and the balance between light and dark is achieved. This is what life strives for is that balance.

How does a dancer achieve balance?

Balance is achieved through practice. First get very stable on a flat foot balances like arabesques, on the barre. then move up to demi point. Over time balance can be achieved on demi point/full point in all positions. Physios have something called a wobble board. This can improve balance and strengthen feet also.

Is a vegetarian diet safe?

Yes, like any diet, however, you must make sure you get all essential nutrients. Balance your food choices between nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein foods like beans, peanuts and animal products if you eat them.

Why is a balance diet essential for good health?

Bedcause it makes sense

What is the definition of a trade off?

a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise