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Veganism is the strictest form of vegetarianism. Vegans don't eat animal products or animal by-products. Vegans eat healthy foods but they need to take supplements such as calcium, iron, protein and vitamin B12 because these nutrients are sometimes missing in their diet.

A vegan diet contains less fat than vegetarian diets so this would be a plus if you are trying to burn fat and lose weight. Vegan diets will generally provide you with more energy than a less strict vegetarian diet.

There are four other less strict forms of vegetarianism:

1. Semi-vegetarians eat eggs, chicken, diary products and fish. They do not eat any other types of animal meat.

2. Ovo-lacto vegetarians don't eat poultry, meat, seafood or fish. They will eat eggs and drink milk. Most vegetarians fall into this group of eaters.

3. Ovo vegetarians are similar to vegans except they will eat eggs.

4. Lacto vegetarians are similar to vegans except they will drink milk.

Since no one's diet is perfect, it is wise to take a daily multivitamin.

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