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Reactants are the material or substance that react with each other. Product is the result of a reaction between two reactants.

for example : magnesium + oxygen- magnesium oxideREACTANT 1+ REACTANT2 - PRODUCT

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Q: What are the reactants and products in a chemical equation to the left of the formulas called?
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What is a method to indicate reactants and products of a chemical reaction using chemical formulas?

In a correctly written chemical equation, reactants are the substances to the left of the arrow, and products are the substances to the right of the arrow. The reactants are what you have before the reaction starts, and the products are what you have when the reaction is over.

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We need to know the reactants and products with their chemical formulas.

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One or more products containing the same quantity of atoms as the reactants had

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Chemical formulas of reactants and products; number of molecules involved in the reaction.

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A properly balanced chemical equation.

In a chemical equation where do the reactants appear?

In a chemical equation the reactants appears to be on the left side. On the left you have the reactants and to the right you have the products.

Where are Reactants written where on a chemical equation?

No. The reactants are written on the left of the arrow.

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The reactants must be balanced correctly with reactants.

The two sides of a chemical equation?

Reactants -> Products