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i don't know but that ain't good

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Q: What are the reasons for having a black menstrual period at the age of 48?
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Is it normal for my second period ever to have stringy black things in it?

It is normal for menstrual flow to contain the stringy black things you have described. They are probably small blood clots.

Is Pablo Picasso's black period only of woman?

No period of Picasso's is called black period.

What is the period after the black death called?

The period after the black death was still known as the medieval period.

What is the point of having different colored electrical tape?

The point of having different colored electrical tape is for highly specialized reasons, and these reasons differ from US and UK. Black electrical tape stands for Insulation for both US and UK, Green tape stands for Earth ground on the US, and Earth on the UK.

What were 3 important events that happened in the black magic period?

There is no period in history called "black magic".

What do you do when your blood is black?

If you have black blood from your period that is normal if it comes out when your not on your period than go to your doctor and get checked.

When your on your period is it normal to get dark mucus like stuff when you change tampons and in the toilet?

Yes, it's normal to get dark mucus during menstruation. As well as discharge and your menstrual flow, including uterine tissue, cervical mucus will be carried along with the rest of your menstrual flow. It's completely normal to see blood mucus which may look dark brown, red, or even black.

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what were the reasons why the Americans were unsuccessful in the initial stages in black hawk down

What color is it when you first start your period?

Menstrual blood can be anywhere from a brown, rusty color, to a bright blood red, to a very dark (almost black) red. For me personally, my first period was brownish red and had a very light flow. I think most women who have been menstruating for a while usually see this shade near the end of their periods.

What is it like having the black death?

having the bubonic plague

Does menstrual blood turn black under hot water?

I have not tried it, but it does not sound right. Go to and try

Why did the us joined the Persian gulf war?

Reasons 1 to 100 :- Black gold, Texas tea.