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The word pharaoh means "great house," and the people believed pharaohs were gods in human form. The Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were considered to be a god. The pharaohs had to ask the Egyptian gods for a good harvest and make sure the people were worshiping so the gods were pleased and granted the request. Pharaohs had to ask the gods for the river to flood which was important for the harvest and lives of the people because they depended on it. Pharaohs had to prepare themselves for the afterlife (they believed that there was life after death). That is why some pharaohs are buried in Pyramids.They would be buried with food, etc. They made sure everything was going good in the country, etc.

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10y ago
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12y ago

they were basically kings of Egypt... they made laws and ordered things to be built, i guess just the normal stuff a king would do :) the pharaohs were also known to be 'gods' so if you didnt do what the pharaoh told you to, you would have been in trouble with the other gods they believed in

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11y ago

a lot of things like to make sure the flood happen by performing a special ceremony.

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14y ago

To be a pharaoh

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Where did Egyptian of the old kingdom bury their Pharaohs?

The Egyptions buried there pharohs in the Vally of the Kings.

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Three Old Kingdom Pharaohs: Khufu, Khafre and Menkure