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United States

A mother has full parental rights regarding her children unless her rights have been terminated by a court order. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father's paternity is established in court and the court has issued a custody and visitation order.

United States

A mother has full parental rights regarding her children unless her rights have been terminated by a court order. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father's paternity is established in court and the court has issued a custody and visitation order.

United States

A mother has full parental rights regarding her children unless her rights have been terminated by a court order. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father's paternity is established in court and the court has issued a custody and visitation order.

United States

A mother has full parental rights regarding her children unless her rights have been terminated by a court order. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father's paternity is established in court and the court has issued a custody and visitation order.

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12y ago

United States

A mother has full parental rights regarding her children unless her rights have been terminated by a court order. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father's paternity is established in court and the court has issued a custody and visitation order.

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Yes. Your mother have no rights to your child unless she has gotten it through court.

Does the mother of an underage boy have to pay child support to the underage mother of her son's child?

Yes, if that is ordered by the courts. In an Ohio case where a 14 year old boy got a 19 year old girl pregnant, his parents were ordered to pay support to the girlfriend.

Do you have any rights if the mother is underage and her parents dont want you to be around?

If you're in the US... You have no rights to have contact with the minor mother if her parents forbid it. You do have the right to petition the court for visitation with the child. Of course you also have the obligation of paying child support.

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A step-parent has no legal rights regarding your child. The biological mother has visitation rights and other rights when the child is in her custody.

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The context is California law

What are your rights over your son as a 16 year old mother?

Everything period

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Unless you've been ordered by the courts to stay away from your son, then no, she does not have that right.

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