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1) incompatibility with the other hardwares .

2) the need of OS re-installation .

3) physical damage while installing the new hardware .


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Q: What are the risks of installing hardware?
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It is imperative for you to switch off the computer before installing any hardware. You should also be sure to unplug your computer before touching the inside.

What are the health and safety risks when installing hardware?

Firstly, make sure you have cut off power to the machine (unplugged it, removed any batteries etc). Also, make sure you are grounded at all times. To do this, you can use a grounding strip. Make sure that the hardware components and cables aren't visibly damaged before you plug the machine back in.

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1.blueprint designing programmed 3.designing the hardware 4.installing the hardware. 5.making the frames 6. installing the hardware into frame 6.designing and calibrating controller with the system 7.check 8.have fun

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