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Q: What are the second order consumers in the food web?
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Related questions

Is a second order consumer a carnivore?

Second-order consumers feed on first-order consumers. An eagle is an example of a second-order consumer. Examples of first-order consumers are rabbits and mice.

What are humans considered in the food web?

Humans can be anything beyond the primary consumers on the food web. (They are second and above).

Step in a food chain or food web?

food chain- grass->tipaklong->frog->snake->eagle->bacteria The different steps or levels of a food chain or web are called "trophic levels." They can also be characterized as producers or consumers. The consumers can be characterized as first order, second order, tertiary, etc. And then there are the scavengers and decomposers.

What level is the jackrabbit on the food web?

Jackrabbits are second level consumers

How does photosynthesis affect crocodiles?

Photosynthesis provides food for the producers, which are then eaten by first-order consumers, which may be eaten by second-order consumers, and so on, which are then eaten by crocodiles, which are probably the highest-order consumer in the food web, unless humans are involved. Without photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy in food molecules, there would be no producers or consumers, and no crocodiles (or humans).

What are two consumers in a food web?

First order consumers are herbivores that feed only on the producers which are plants.

Are humans 5th order consumers in the Ocean food web?

In some Food Webs yes but we are usually 4th

What is a fifth order consumer?

It is a consumer that is at the top of the food web. Food webs have producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, quaternary consumers, and fifth order consumers. Fifth order consumers have to eat at least one quaternary consumer to make it to that level. They do not eat other fifth order consumers and can also eat anything lower than their level.

What kind of consumers are around the giraffe?

you have to think of its food web i dont know the consumers but try and find its food web

What goes after producers in a food web?

Consumers go after producers in a food web.

What is the second trophic level in the food web?

Primary producers, & recycler

What is the structure of a food web?
