

Best Answer

Cash on hand and in banks

ii. Notes receivable trade

iii. Accounts receivable trade

iv. Securities

vi. Finished goods (including byproducts and work refuse)

vii. Semifinished goods (including parts made in-company)

viii. Raw materials (including purchased parts)

ix. Work in process (including semifinished work)

x. Supplies (including supplementary materials)

xi. Advance payments

xii. Prepaid expenses

xiii. Others

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Q: What are the several items which comes under current assets in balance sheet?
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What comes in debit side of balance sheet?

on the debit side of the balance sheet, we have the assets of a company. There are current assets and fixed assets and they should be equal to the Liabilities + the equity of a company.

Where does Prepaid Interest comes in a balance sheet?

prepaid interest is that amount of interest which is not due but paid in advance as it is not due yet it is current asset of business and it will be shown in current assets section of balance sheet.

Is investment comes under current assets?

if investment is for short term period then it is current asset otherwise it is long term assets.

What is the difference between non current asset and plant asset?

plant assets comes under non current assets. now non current assets are those which are not easily feasible in cash like land, building or other fixed properities.

What assets are on the balance sheet?

A company balance sheet has three parts: assets, liabilities and ownership equity. The main categories of assets are usually listed first, and typically in order of liquidity. Assets are followed by the liabilities. The difference between the assets and the liabilities is known as equity or the net assets or the net worth or capital of the company and according to the accounting equation, net worth must equal assets minus liabilities. Another way to look at the same equation is that assets equals liabilities plus owner's equity. Looking at the equation in this way shows how assets were financed: either by borrowing money (liability) or by using the owner's money (owner's equity). Balance sheets are usually presented with assets in one section and liabilities and net worth in the other section with the two sections "balancing." Because of the asset and liabilities are presented in the company balance sheet, it can help the manager to make decision whether the company should make further investment or not. As we know, this financial statement details your assets, liabilities and equity, as of a particular date. Although a balance sheet can coincide with any date, it is usually prepared at the end of a reporting period, such as a month, quarter, or year. So, by having a good management of balance sheet, can easy to make the decision whether they should to invest more for the company by looking on the previous investment made by the company.

What is full cycle accounts receivable?

Full cycle accounts receivable is basically a kind of current asset. It is the amount that arises after the rendering of services. It is added to the accounts receivable section once the accounts are cleared. It comes on the left side of the balance sheet under the head of current assets.

Where does equipment go on the income statement?

It won't. Equipment will be recorded in the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) as an asset. with regards to the income statement the only entries relating to equipment would be deprecation expense, impairment expense and perhaps revaluation gain (although that would probably go into the Statement of Other Comprehensive Income- depending on policies)

Which side does Liabilites appear on a balance sheet?

Normally in balance sheet liabilities shown in left side of balance sheet but sides don’t matter much as sides can be change or in statement form of accounts there are actually no sided and balance sheet is prepared in statement form where assets comes first and then liabilities and equity.

Why assets are debit if it is increased?

Assets are real accounts and according to accounting debit and credit rules. Debit what comes in and credit what goes out. Assets has debit account by nature so when there is an increase in assets it is debited to assets accounts Liabilities are credit accounts because these are burden of the business to payback to their original owners that's why if liabilities increases it is credited to liablities accounts because according to rule mentioned above credit what goes out and liabilities are those items which ultimately need to go out from business at the time of dissolution of business. ---- The above so called rule is not accurate. It is entirely inaccurate to say that debit is what comes in and credit it what goes out. This can be proven quickly by looking at expense accounts. An expense to a company is something you "pay out", however all expense accounts have a DEBIT balance and are increased with Debits, not credits. Revenue is a CREDIT account (money received by the company, which is money coming IN) it is increased by a Credit, not a debit. According to the accounting equation Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity When a company receives money for a service or sale, they will debit cash (to increase) and credit Revenue (to increase). In double entry accounting for every debit there is an equal credit. Assets have a debit balance - Liabilities have a credit balance + owners equity also a credit balance For example, if you have $19,000 in assets (debit balance) you need one or more credit balance accounts that equal this total. This could be for example $19,000 (assets) = $5,000 (liabilities) + $14,000 (owners equity)

What assets comes under the head of plant?

Machinery, land and building are normally comes under head of plant.

How inflation affect balance on current account?

Current account balance is preserved by delocalisation of money around the world like river flow. If it fails to occur,then inflation comes before us disgusing in huge problem. The main reason behind this, is bad management in finace world and also in the field of combatting blackmeller and money hoarder !

What is the accounting treatment of brand value?

It comes under Assets as an Invisible asset.