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Normal male humans have the sex chromosomes XY.

The presence of the Y chromosome determines sex in humans - so a person with XXY will be male.

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Q: What are the sex chromosomes of male human being?
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What combination of sex chromosomes resulting a male human being?

A male human has one X and one Y sex chromosome.

What combinition of sex chromosomes result in a male human being?

XY=male; XX=female…

What are sex chromosomes in a human male?

We call these sex chromosomes. Whether you are a male or female depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If you have two XX, you will show female characteristics and If you have XY you will show male characteristics.

What is a sex chromosmoes?

Sex chromosomes are genes and DNA you get from both of your parents. They can either be X or Y (X being female, Y being male) which determine your gender. A human has 2 sex chromosomes.

The human X and Y Chromosomes are what?

The human X and Y chromosomes are:both present in every somatic cell of males and females.approximately equal in size.almost entirely homologous, despite their different names.called "sex chromosomes" because they determine an individual's sex.

How many sex chromosomes are in a human gamete?

There are two sex chromosomes, X and Y. A female has XX and a male has XY.

What sex chromosomes does a female have in all her cells?

A female human has two X sex chromosomes in her cells. A male human has one X and one Y sex chromosome in his cells.

Which combination of sex chromosomes result in a male being?


What are heterosomes?

Heterosomes are the sex chromosomes, i.e.: the 23rd pair of chromosomes in a karyotype. In a human female these are XX, and in a human male they are XY.

Human body cells have 23 pairs of?

Chromosomes (autosomes), not including the sex chromosomes (XY - male, or XX - female).

What are the effects of human sex chromosomes on sex determination?

If you have a Y, you're a male... if you don't, you're a female

What is the sex chromosomes of male?

In humans and other mammals, a male has XY sex chromosomes. In birds, a male has XX chromosomes. In amphibians, male chromosomes look the same as female chromosomes.