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Q: What are the smallest 3 numbers which have exactly 2 factors?
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Related questions

Do Prime numbers have exactly 2 factors or more than 2 factors?

exactly 2

Which numbers have exactly two factors?

Prime numbers have exactly two factors.All prime numbers have only 2 factors whereas composite numbers have more than 2 factors

What is the smallest number that has exactly three factors?

8, 2*2*2

What numbers have exactly 2 factors?

Prime numbers.

What are 2 numbers more than 50 and 30 exactly 2 factors?

Prime numbers have exactly two factors. 53 and 59 are prime numbers.

What is the least positive integer that has exactly 13 factors?

4096 is the smallest number with exactly 13 factors. (Including 1 and itself as factors).192 is the smallest number with exactly 13 properfactors, (excluding the number itself).120 is the smallest number with at least 13 factors (it has 16 factors)To find the smallest number with exactly N factors (for example, N=12):Factor N into primes, (for example, 12= 2*2*3Subtract 1 from each of the prime factors (for example, 1,1,2)Sort them by largest first (for example, 2,1,1)Raise successive prime numbers to these powers (for example, 2^2,3^1,5^1)Multiply these together (for example: 4*3*5 = 60; 60 is the smallest number with exactly 12 factors).

What is the smallest number with prime factors?

There isn't one. Negative numbers have prime factors and numbers don't stop. The smallest positive numbers with a prime factor is 2.

What is the smallest numbers that have 3 factors?

4, with factors 1, 2 and 4

What numbers have exactly 2 factors each?

Prime numbers

Which numbers have exactly 2 factors?

Prime numbers have only two factors.

What is the smallest natural number that has exactly three factors?

4? the factors of 4 are 1,4 and 2

What is the smallest number that has exactly 4 factors?

6. Factors are 1, 2, 3, and 6.